My Digital Legacy | NorteHispana Seguros

My digital legacy

An exclusive service for your peace of mind

My digital legacy

What will happen with your social networks when you are no longer here? And with the rest of your presence on the internet?

The My digital legacy coverage that includes the Family NorteHispana death insurance looks after your online reputation, both while you are alive and when you are no longer here.

You will have access to a private area which will allow you to manage your profile information on social media, websites and email accounts, among others.

Sign up now on My digital legacy!

Note the following services aimed at managing online presence after death:

           ► Publication of last posts on social networks, forums or blogs

           ► Sending personalised posthumous messages

           ► Account and profile elimination

           ► Conversion of profiles to commemorative account

           ► Biography design with physical supports with QR and NFC technology

           ► Transfer of your digital inheritance


In addition, for your day-to-day, My digital legacy offers the following services: 

           ► Online presence report

           ► Fight against cyberbullying

           ► Family tree search

           ► Loss prevention badge creation for your pet


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