Occident Sant Cugat

We will be Occident

To be closer to you, wherever you are.

Occident Team

We will be Occident

NorteHispana Seguros will become Occident, to be closer to you, wherever you are. To adapt faster to what you need. To dedicate all our efforts to providing you with an even more professional and personalised service. To be the leading company in understanding and accompanying people at all stages of their lives.

And from now on?

If you are insured by NorteHispana Seguros, you will continue to maintain your contractual relations, and when the respective corporate integrations occur you will be updated accordingly. There will be no change in the coverage and premium conditions of your policies as a result of this merger.

Yes, your mediator will be the same one you currently have. You can also access all our contact channels to help you with whatever you need.

NorteHispana Seguros will cease to exist once the merger has taken place throughout 2024, operating henceforth under the brand Occident.

We are endorsed by trust, professionalism and proximity

+ 4.5

million insured parties

+ 17,000


+ 8,500


+ 1,400




Our promise

Occident, our promise

To understand and guide people and companies in all the stages of their life, putting ourselves in their place, to ensure their peace of mind in the present and their trust in the future. To make empathy the best way forward, as individuals and as a society.