Legal advice helpline

Legal advice helpline

A courtesy service for all our customers

Legal advice helpline

For being a NorteHispana Seguros customer, you have a legal team at your disposal to consult by telephone on any legal or personal matters affecting your personal or family life.

For being insured by NorteHispana Seguros

You will be able to use this courtesy service, regardless of which insurance you have taken out with us.

24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Request this courtesy service by calling 935 12 61 11

What does this courtesy service include?

We offer legal advice for obtaining documents, such as: 

  • Proof of Life of the successors of the Insured party. 
  • Marriage certificate from the Ecclesiastical Archive. 
  • Civil Partnership Registry certificate. 
  • The will of the deceased Insured party. 
  • Official registry entries. 

Similarly, it will also be possible to make legal enquiries over the phone on: 

  • Processing inheritances with a will, inheritances without a will, acceptance or renunciation of inheritances and asset inventory. 
  • Fiscal matters regarding Inheritance tax.